
Common methodology of specialised Aikido trainings with the aim to develop skills of young people in order to reduce disruptive and assaultive behaviour among children in schools.


This course is a simple tool for Aikido teachers to help structure and teach their classes for children. It is designed in a such a way that you can prepare for your class in about 15 minutes using the following framework:

Prepare - define your goal

By answering these questions:

  • What do I want to do?

  • What will participants get out of this class? What will they learn?

  • What principles (universal or Aikido) am I going to use to reach the goal?

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Create a safe space

Start your class by setting safety rules

    1. Nobody gets hurt. Look after yourself and others.

    2. Concentrate on techniques instead of talking, you'll get to share your thoughts at the end of the class.

    3. Help each other to learn and understand, instead of competing.

Explain what you are going to do and what students are going to learn

    • Do this to keep minds occupied with activity instead of wandering

Warm up

Use warm-up exercises

  • To establish trust, connection, playfulness, and flow in the group

  • To warm up bodies to lift up the energy and spirit

  • To use breathing as a method of awareness

Main activities that align with your goal

Main activities based on aikido principles

Finish class with sharing

Invite students to express their experience verbally, so that they better understand and remember what you taught.

Sharing rules

  • Sharing is not a discussion, but instead a space where students can express their experiences andfeelings.

  • Use sharing for students to ask questions (instead of talking during class).

  • Address challenges, difficulties, and AHA moments students had during the class in order to deepen understanding of what they were doing and how this knowledge can be transferred into their daily situations, relations, and study.

  • Talk about Aikido values and tell stories about heroes.

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