Project events
Future events
Papendal, Netherlands
October 17, 2020
Meeting and seminar
Hereby we're pleased to confirm and inform you about our next SkillAi Kids seminar and meeting in the Netherlands.
Date: Saturday October 17.
Place: Sportcentrum Papendal, Arnhem.
Time Event: 10:00 - 12:30
Our goal is to gather school kids and also aikidokas from age 10 to 15. We hope to see a lot of kids coming to Arnhem.
Past events
Ljubljana, Slovenia
January 2020
Third partners transnational project meeting (TPM) for the SkillAi, project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union, held in Ljubljana on 11th January 2020, brought together Aikido teachers and delegates from three Partner Organizations.
The aim was to share experiences, to learn from one another to:
test draft practice modules which will be included into the Guidelines
based on testing, to design and structure such modules into common methodology of specialized Aikido trainings to develop skills of young people in order to reduce disruptive and assaultive behavior among children in schools.
The morning workshop children seminar
The seminar was this time structured around wider group of children. More than 50 children have been participating at the 2-hours seminar. This allowed Aikido instructors from all three Partner Organizations to enter into practical prototype modules focused on aggression and bullying prevention focused approach to reduce children’s' aggressive behavior.
The workshop was the key activity that aims to test practical Aikido learning modules designed as prototypes, and focused on conflict resolution methods and bullying. Through sharing experiences on using prototype modules, this helps to design final approaches, modules and training structures.
Feedback from the workshop was very positive – participants (including children’s parents) saw great value in working with like-minded people from other countries, the opportunity to network and to learn from one another, and the chance to explore ideas. Impressions from the seminar are captured in the photo album below, and resulted into a national Slovenian TV report on Aikido
The afternoon Partner Organizations meeting
The formal Partner Organizations meeting has been focused on discussing and deciding on:
how to start drafting the Project Outcome (Guidelines),
defining and agree on the structure of the Guidelines,
how to prepare a modules/use cases to be included into the Guidelines (School Classes Modules).
The discussions brought major breakthrough in preparing the Guidelines as a Project Outcome, in deciding on common approach, built on 4 common training goals:
Physical development,
Group interaction,
These goals are then embedded into the specific Aikido principles, focused on conflict resolution methods and bullying, which will be finally reflected in the Guidelines. It was agreed that such structure will help Aikido teachers to create efficient practical tool for sharing the knowledge – first between the Partner organizations, and then possibly shared with other Aikido-Aikikai organizations in the EU to implement same type of trainings, as one of main objectives and EU added value of the Project.
Partners as well decided on “technical” structure and the format of the Guidelines, as innovative on-line manual, which will be the main part of the Guidelines.
The efficiency of the meeting is demonstrated in the immediate follow up work and submission of the manual modules and practices, which can be instantly accessed at address .
Participants agreed that the next, fourth partners transnational project meeting (TPM) will be held on 6th June 2020, in Netherlands, Sportcentrum Papendal, Arnhem.
After the official meeting, partners and friends joined at the club to share further thoughts and ideas in more relaxed atmosphere at the local club with some good food and drinks of course. And all looking forward to meet again in Netherlands.
Budapest, Hungary.
June 2019
Meeting and seminar
Goal: assessment of the starting state by country, preparation of draft guidelines and methodologies, draft review,
Participants: Aikikai Slovenija, Mushinkai, Hungary, Aikido Bond Netherlands
Meeting insight:
The afternoon partners meeting was very productive and efficient, here's the summary of the action plan discussed:
1. School training: it would be good to gradually "implant" the non-aggression, preventing bullying key principles (as we have it in our project description) into the kids training, also in the way to explain such principles to the participants so they are more aware of such specific aikido principles. This is the purpose of developing the guidelines, where such key principles will be documented and explained, in modules, so can be further shared and used. Mushinkain and Aikido Bond Nederland (ABN) are already practicing this, some of these principles we have seen at the Saturday seminar.
2. Guidelines: this is the product we will need to deliver at the end of the project, so the action plan is as follows:
Draft Outline of the Guidelines, with the following tentative sections, will be produced by Peter Premk:
introduction, purpose, objectives
key principles and methodology
training modules with the descriptions, training steps, and including such modules templates
troubleshooting, feedback from participants, performance quality.
He will try to produce this draft Outline of the Guidelines by 1st September, hopefully before. Each section will include a date of completion and person assigned for the task.
each partner will develop 2 aikido training modules, in draft form (with key principles, descriptions and steps), by October 1st
draft Outline of the Guidelines will be available to partners on the Google docs, so we will have access and edit, and partners will be able to add the above 2 training modules
the aim is to exercise (and test...) these 6 modules and principles at the next seminar in Ljubljana.
3. Publicity: Meetings activities will be publicized by Aleksandr Starovojtov (SI) . Mushinkai and ABN will prepare and share the media (photos, videos, statements from VIP guests... ) from the 2nd meeting to the web page,
4. Aljoša Prelog (SI) presented a web page, developed by him to support aikido trainings ( which is great and actually much more than just trainings and billing support. Aikikai Slovenia and Aljoša will try to follow up how we can make more use of the application in the SkillAi context, in the sense of the project activities, for example each partner can create a "club" just for SkillAi and record events there.
5. Next partners meeting and youth seminar will be in Ljubljana, Saturday 11th or 18th January 2020.
News section on the International Aikido Federation website International cooperation against school violence - homepage of Zugló Public Security Non-Profit Ltd.: Peaceful Schools, Peaceful Warriors - International cooperation with ZKNP
Hungarian Nation: Martial arts against school aggression
International Aikido Federation: Skillai - Hungary 2019
Aikido Groene Hart: Aikido against violence and aggression in schools
Mushinkai Aikido Hungary: Transnational meeting in Budapest
Ljubljana, Slovenija.
January 2019
Kick-off meeting and children seminar
Goal: Activity planning, preparation of teaching modules for trainings in each country-participant, exchange of knowledge and experience.
Participants: Aikikai Slovenija, Mushinkai, Hungary, Aikido Bond Netherlands
Mushinkai Akido Hungary: First transnational meeting in Ljubjana